Thursday, October 08, 2009

Poetic guests

As some of you know, we keep guest books in each room for everyone to leave comments, places to go, where they had dinner and more. We still chuckle over the Wallace & Gromit fans who drew us pictures and copied out their favorite lines! And there are a few comments we're still trying to translate!

This week it's been poetry in the Winthrop Fogg Room. So, without further ado, the White Cedar Inn guest poets take center stage:

We have no reservations
Against making reservations.
You might say we're not reserved.

And though we're a little old

We're not about to fold.
You might say we're well preserved.

And though we stopped here on a whim
It really was a win.
We have really been well served.

Thanks to Daniel & Nancy!

Well, not to be outdone, our next guests left this little ditty:

For a great place where friends can meet
And enjoy a morning treat
A bed and breakfast can't be beat.
When people ask us why we grin
We'll say we stayed at White Cedar Inn!

Thanks to Bob & Carol!

Of course that sort of thing puts the pressure on the next guest (or so they may think) which leads us to the last entry:

No clever poetry from us- we'll say the poetry is in the beautiful house and kind, thoughtful hosts.

Thanks to Cathy & Ed

It really is fun reading the comments everyone leaves behind! And now, coming up on our 5th year anniversary here, it's getting time to put out new books. We do thank everyone who has left us a comment and we hope the new, blank books don't put anyone off...please do fill them up, too, with all the wonderful adventures you had and great places you saw and food you ate while on vacation in Freeport!

And the room that inspired all the poetry?

bed and breakfast wine

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