Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Our tax dollars at work

About 6 weeks ago we came home to find big pink lines drawn at the end of the driveway. Hmmm. What could this mean? There were lines drawn at the top of the street as well and a large boulder that was protruding from the pavement had also been sprayed.

One day a few weeks ago, some heavy equipment showed up. The end of the driveway was ground up, the end of the road was ground up and the boulder was dug out. Paving season had begun in Maine!

Friday last week the really heavy equipment rolled in and we got new paving all down the street. Joy and rapture! You've walked out of the driveway so you know what a mess it was up top at the 'zebra crossing'. No more. It's lovely.

I'm not big on paving but this looks mahvelous dahling!

Freeport, Maine happenings

My goodness! Go away for a couple of days to see the new baby (she IS precious, BTW!) and things happen all over town!

Zales Jewelers (on the corner of Bow and Main Sts) has closed. Not sure what is going to go into that space yet.

Quite a few shops are now open in the new Village Station...Izod, LL Bean Outlet, Coach, Nike, Brooks Brothers and others are having the finishing touches put on them. Linda Bean's Perfect Maine Lobster Roll is set to open around July 4. The 'hole in the wall' lobster roll shop is still open right on the side of the Bike & Boat store on Main St.

Freeport Square, the art & music venue on Main St is moving up one door to the old Pet Pantry location. Where Freeport Square is now located, a new family-style Italian restaurant is going in- Siano's Pizza of Portland. Also on Main St, Amato's is opening a storefront pizza and sandwich shop right next to Mangy Moose.

The Freeport Cabaret now has outdoor seating and a new menu along with their new name: Venue. They are located on Depot St right across from the entrance to the new parking garage, which is also open. And parking is free!

The Farmers Market is open every Friday afternoon from 2-6 PM in the Town Hall parking lot. Last week I got some homemade hummus, some basil and rosemary plants for the herb garden, a terrific blueberry scone and some rosemary and olive oil soap. The veggies are really starting to come in now and you have to check out the fresh meats (lamb, goat, pork) and Gryffon spices to top it all off.

In the old Sadie Green's building a is new fine art gallery called 'Beautiful Gallery'. They just opened on Saturday so we haven't been in yet. Hoping there is a grand opening gala sometime soon!

Here at White Cedar Inn, I'm finishing up painting the porch railing and will be getting the porch deck ready for staining. Reming me to do this more frequently so it doesn't take so long next time!

The gardens are looking wonderful! Here's a shot from the dining room window.